Source Title / Author(s) Main Argument(s) / Key Terms Methodological / Disciplinary Approaches What function does the source serve in your paper? Do you plan to quote, summarize, and/or paraphrase it? Why? John Berger’s “Why Look at Animals?” Industrialization turned animals into “raw material.” As live animals disappeared from humans’ every-day lives, animal images proliferated. Visual Culture/cultural studies/theory It helps me define historical trends in how animals have been valued economically and emotionally. Paraphrase/summarize, because the source and its phrasing of arguments are not central to my argument. Source Title / Author(s) What questions do you have about this source? How does the source allow you to address your motivating question? How do you plan to analyze this source? Why will you analyze it in this way? What are the source’s limitations? PETCO Sales Data/Chart How representative is the data of the industry at large? It will allow me to talk about how we value pets economically by spending lots of money on them. I will mostly use it as evidence of animal value through expenditures. I don’t need to drill down into details, because they are not relevant to my argument. I won’t necessarily be able to parse spending on pets versus farm animals, so it could be that the U.S. spends just as much on farm animals, but I don’t have that data. Developed by Genevieve Creedon, Princeton University Writing Center Handout: Source Chart