Quin Morton Teaching Fellows, Princeton Writing Program, 2025-26

Princeton graduate students who will be in Dissertation Completion Enrollment (DCE) status for 2025-26 are invited to apply for one-year positions as Quin Morton Teaching Fellows. Quin Morton Teaching Fellows teach one topic-based, multidisciplinary Writing Seminar of their own design each semester and participate in an intensive faculty development program, which includes meetings and workshops on seminar design and writing pedagogy. Teaching Fellows are paid at the rate equivalent to 6 AI hours per semester, receive full DCE tuition and Student Health Plan coverage, and enjoy all the benefits of fully enrolled graduate students.

The Writing Seminars are designed to help students learn how to frame compelling questions and problems, position an argument within a scholarly conversation, and substantiate claims using a variety of source materials. Every first-year student completes a Writing Seminar to fulfill the University writing requirement, building transferable skills which serve as a foundation for their ongoing development as critical thinkers, researchers, and writers across the disciplines. We welcome applications from candidates with strong interests in writing pedagogy and from all fields of study in the social sciences, humanities, natural sciences, and engineering.

Successful candidates will be strong and reflective academic writers, have demonstrated a passion for teaching and mentoring, and have carefully considered the role of writing in teaching their courses. Special consideration will be given to candidates with experience teaching topic-based writing courses or writing-intensive courses, as well as to candidates with Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC), Writing in the Disciplines (WID), and/or Writing Center experience.

The appointment is expected to run August 1, 2025, through June 30, 2026. All new faculty (including Teaching Fellows) must attend in-person pedagogy workshops from May 12-16, 2025, and be accessible by email and Zoom through the month of June to develop their Writing Seminars in consultation with Writing Program directors. Faculty development meetings are required throughout the academic year, including four full days of follow-up workshops from August 11-14, 2025, and a faculty retreat on August 27.

The Writing Program is committed to sustaining a diverse community of scholars dedicated to promoting a culture of growth and discovery among students at the University. We strongly encourage women and members from underrepresented groups to apply.

Please note: To be eligible for a Quin Morton Teaching Fellow position, you must be in Dissertation Completion Enrollment (DCE) status in 2025-26. If you defend your dissertation before August 1, 2025, you will no longer be eligible to serve as a Quin Morton Teaching Fellow. All Quin Morton Teaching Fellow appointments are subject to departmental endorsement and to review and approval by the Graduate School.

Please also note: You may apply in both categories (Lectureship and Quin Morton Teaching Fellow); if you choose to do so, make sure to meet the January 13, 2025, deadline for the Lecturer position and submit that application online at Princeton University Academic Jobs. We then ask that you also submit your materials by email to [email protected] for the Quin Morton Teaching Fellow position. If you are selected for a lectureship, you must defend your dissertation before August 1, 2025. Your cover letters should indicate that you’re applying in both categories.

Instructions for Applying

The deadline for full consideration is February 28, 2025. No late applications will be accepted. Please discuss your interest with your faculty adviser and secure their approval before submitting an application. The position counts as a 6-hour AI teaching appointment for each semester.

To apply, email the following documents to [email protected]:

  • Your current CV with contact information for three references including your dissertation advisor. (We’ll contact references for finalists.)
  • A cover letter reflecting on your approach to teaching writing and how it relates to your experience as a researcher.
  • A 200-word course description for a multidisciplinary Writing Seminar. Please review this year’s course descriptions for models (link below).
  • An academic writing sample (15 pages or an excerpt).

Information Session and Proposal Workshop

We invite you to join us for an optional information session and proposal workshop. It’s an opportunity to learn more about the Writing Seminars and the application process, as well as to get feedback on the Writing Seminar topic you’re thinking of proposing.

Quin Morton Teaching Fellow Info Session
Thursday, January 30, 2025, 12:30-1:30 pm RESCHEDULED
Thursday, February 6, 2025, 1:30 - 2:30 pm
Princeton Writing Program (3rd Floor, New South)

Please RSVP to attend.

More Information

This position is subject to the University’s background check policy.