November 20, 2015 Opening Remarks Dr. Jill Dolan, Dean of the College Session I Panel A Maggie Pecsok, “Life in Neverland: Eternal Youth or an Alternative to Adulthood?” Emma Watkins, “Aura: Defying Reproduction” Fiona Furnari, “From Mellow to Delish: Sense Experience in Differing Physical Locations within the Same Time Frame” Panel B Adetobi Moses, “Language Politics: Conrad, Achebe, & the Role of the African Author in Literature” Mihika Kapoor, “Social Media: The Unofficial Regulator of Self-Satisfaction” Nitasha Siddique, “Be the Change You Want to See: Multiculturalism as a Means for Progress in Ms. Marvel” Lunch Session II Panel A Valerie Wilson, “’You Fucking Bitch’: Gone Girl, Amy Dunne, the Media, and Feminism in the ‘Aughts’” Katherine Shifke, “’Jane, you ignorant Slut:’ ‘Slut-o-ween’ And The Formation of a Female Identity” Julia Case-Levine, “Cougars, Cubs and Kittens: Television’s Representation of the Sexuality of Aging Women” Panel B Samantha Ip, “The Dark Side of Artificial Happiness: Reflections on Ethics in a Psychopharmaceutical Age” Pritika Mehra, “Transcendental Treatment: Using Ayahuasca to Treat Anorexia” Session III Panel A Hannah Tandy, “The Zodiac of the Beth Alpha Synagogue” Rani Jaiswal, “Henry Martyn: Destruction and Perfection in the 19th Century” Kaitlin O’Riordan, “The Vaccine Debate: Balance Between Protection and Empowerment of Children” Panel B Caleb Gum, “How to Survive Your Next Trip to the Supermarket: Modern Survivalism and Commercial Dissatisfaction” Eric Qiu, “The Fishy Business of Transgenic Salmon: Explaining the Delay in the Mass Commercialization Process” Gavin Zhang, “Impossible is Nothing: Adidas’ 2008 Beijing Olympics Campaign and Consumer Nationalism” Session IV Panel A Adam Berman, “The Internet as the Primary Source of the Emic Criticism of the Otherkin Community"” Jamie Hintson, “Nude and Normal: Modern American Nudism as a Conservative Subculture” Layla Malamut, “Fandom: Reevaluating the Figure of the Imaginary Friend” Panel B Ji-Sung Kim, “Momotarō as a Vehicle for Imperialist and Marxist Propaganda” Ben Ulene, “A Lockean Property Rights-Based Perspective on Pregnancy” Conference organized by Andy Hakim, Leah Klement, Emma Ljung, and Benjamin Weber. Sponsored by the Princeton Writing Program.