Friday, April 10, 2015 Session I Edgar Preciado, “You Kill or You Die: An Examination of the Decision-making Framework in The Walking Dead” Isabella Grabski, “Not Just 'The Lure of Gain': Gambling as a Rejection of Prison Life” Kevin Bradicich, “In it to Win It: A Novel Approach to Education System Improvement” Emma Kaeser, “Evaluating Sex in Films: the Unequal Treatment of the Male and Feminine Gazes” Lunch Remarks, Pascale Poussart, Director of Undergraduate Research Session II Panel A Melana Hammel, “Superheroes, Feminism, and a Roadster: The Case of Nancy Drew's Mistaken Identity” Daniel Wilson, “The Cult of Pickup: Analyzing Exchange and Intimate Homosocial Bonding Methods as Portrayed in Neil Strauss’ The Game” Miles Carey, “Gay Dorothy, Queer Oz, and Myths of Subculture and Challenge” Panel B Denise Chan, “The Depletion of the Nationalistic Component in the Hong Kong Identity” Jordan Thomas, “A Disease Beyond Ebola: The Effect of News-Based Compassion Fatigue and Crisis Coverage on National and International Ebola Efforts” Lane Russell, “War on Everything You Love: The Transformation of War as a Metaphor in 21st Century American Politics” Session III Panel A Rebecca Kahn, “The Hero of Small Evils: Saci-Pererê as a Trickster Figure for the Marginalized” Jake Martin, “Ethical Frauds Against Conformity: The Necessity of Selfless Self-Deception and Positive Illusions in Mrs. Doubtfire” Galen Ogg, “The Art of Disguise in Some Like It Hot” Panel B Grace Lynch, “Miracle Drugs and Money: Captializing on India's Pharmaceutical Potential” Peter Holt, “Living Heritage and the American Football Stadium: Removing Time From Cultural Heritage Evaluation” Katie Kennedy, “Pornographic Art: Its Current Selective Status and Predicted Future” Session IV Panel A Tyler Kaye, “Double Disequilibrium: The Physics Behind Wilderness Therapy's Success” Roan Gideon, “On the Problem of Belief in Spiritual Mediumship Healing” Kavirath Jain, “Lessons from Desert Beetles: How the Modern Biomimicry Movement Can Change Scientific Culture to Improve Human-Animal Relations” Panel B Laraib Ilyas, “Uncovering Its Multiple Meanings: How the Hijab is Complicating ‘Muslim Identity’” Molly Plissner, “’America’s Moveable Fighting Man’: How G.I. Joe Embodies the Ideal Masculine Man” Luis Legro, “A Hint of Well-Behaved Morality in the Equation for Power of Westeros” Conference organized by Andy Hakim, Emma Ljung, and Benjamin Weber. Sponsored by the Princeton Writing Program.