Mary W. George Research Conference, Spring 2018

Friday, April 13, 2018

Welcoming Remarks

William A. Gleason, Hughes-Rogers Professor of English

Session I

Panel A: Dress & Power

Joonho Jo, “Behind the Curtain: The Korean Government's Role in Medical Tourism & Cosmetic Plastic Surgery”

Ellen Li, “To The Men Who Love a Show For Little Girls: Understanding Sexualization In Brony Fanart”

Dante Sudilovsky, “Tethered to the Lug: Gendered Wristwatches in Postwar America”

Lunch and Academic Research Roundtable:  Adventures in Motive

Chisom Chigozie-Nwosu '20
Nicolette D’Angelo '19
Ian Iverson '18
Leezet Matos '18
Nicholas Risteen, Ph.D. Candidate

Session II

Panel A: Exploitation & Violence

Melia Chittenden, “Part of the Family: How Society’s View of Domestic Work Facilitates the Abuse and Exploitation of Nannies in America”

Karolen Eid, “The Rwandan Genocide: From Colonization to Carnage”

Daniel Liu, “Alleviating Abuse: How the Dynamics of Food within Prisons Can Abolish the American Prison System”

Session III

Panel A: Technology, Media, & Property in Human Interactions

Tara Blundell, “Emoticons: Fake Faces and Trust Issues”

Kyle Burford, “On the Constitutionality of Prescriptive Easements”

Saira Reyes, “All my brilliant plans foiled by thermodynamics. Damn you, Entropy!”: How the Representation of Science in The Martian Redefines the Science Fiction Genre”

Nanako Shirai, “Japanese Citizens Becoming Masked Heroes to Serve Society”

Panel B: Challenges to Academic Success

Enzo Dominguez, “The Relative Incidence of Academic Consequences of Alcohol Consumption and Patterns of Binge Drinking in High Achieving College Students”

Yechen Hu, “Facebocrastination”: A Genetic Risk Factor for Academic Procrastination with Social Media”

Sunita Srivatsan, “A Race to the Top: Evaluating the Impact of the Model Minority Stereotype on Asian Students’ Success”

Session IV

Panel A: The Borders of Humanity

Kennedy Casey, “Captive Inside the Societal "Cage": (Im)permeable Boundaries Between Monstrosity, Animality, and Humanity in Split”

Janie Kim, “Endless Forms Most Beautiful: How Microbes Drive Human Interactions”

Jeremy Pulmano, “Robots as "Just Tools": Denying the Entanglement of the Human-Machine Relationship”

Panel B: Challenges to Faith, Thought, & Renewal

Michael Hu, “Rick and Beth, Camus and Critchley”

Asia Kaiser, “Creating Contemporary Candeal: Urban Renewal in an Inner-City Neighborhood of Salvador, Bahia Brazil”

Tyler McDonald, “Stand Slave, You May Not Protest”

Oliver Whang, “Christian Fundamentalism and Child Development: The Role of Religion and Hostility in Parent-Child Relationships”


Conference organized by Dannelle Gutarra Cordero, Jessie Rack, and Leslie Ribovich. Sponsored by the Princeton Writing Program.